- 11 Months Installments only.
- Installment amount starts from Rs.500 to Rs.10000/-
- Payment as per your convenient (from 1 to 31st of every month).
- Since the scheme is selected by the member’s choice, you have to pay the advance payment till the maturity period.
- Payments can be made at our Branch / Centre and ensure to collect receipt while making payment at our respective Branch / Centre.
- Payments can be made through CC / Debit card or through online. For card payment service charges will be applicable.
- While making online payment members are requested to mention their savings number or intimate to us through phone after payment.
- No collection boy facilities for this scheme
- On completion of 11 months members can purchase Gold jewellery for the total amount paid + without Making Charges & Wastage till 18%.
- Member will get credit in rupee credited according to the payment made as per Gold rate prevailing on the date of payment.
- No refund of money is allowed under any circumstances under this scheme.
- The prevailing Govt. tax will be applicable and the same to be fully borne by the members.
- This scheme will be applicable for purchasing of coins too.
- This scheme is unique and will not be linked to any other scheme.
- The company has the full right to alter, amend, add or delete part or whole of the privileges of the scheme without prior notice or suspend the scheme at any time.